How to fix Samsung TV error codes?



Samsung TVs are renowned for their high-quality displays and advanced features, providing users with an immersive viewing experience. However, like any electronic device, they are not immune to encountering error codes that can disrupt your entertainment. These error codes can appear for various reasons, such as software glitches, hardware issues, or connectivity problems. Fortunately, most Samsung TV error codes can be resolved without the need for professional assistance. In this article, we will delve into some common error codes that Samsung TV users may encounter and provide step-by-step solutions to fix them. By following these troubleshooting techniques, you can restore your TV’s functionality and get back to enjoying your favorite shows and movies.

I. Understanding Samsung TV Error Codes


Samsung TVs display error codes to indicate specific problems or malfunctions within the device. These codes appear as alphanumeric combinations and are usually accompanied by a brief description. By decoding these error codes, users can gain valuable insights into the underlying issue and apply appropriate solutions. Here are some common Samsung TV error codes you may encounter:

  • Error Code 012: Network Connection Issue
  • Error Code 0121: Network Connection Timed Out
  • Error Code 014: Network Connection Issue
  • Error Code 2000: Internet Connectivity Problem
  • Error Code 2200: Network Connection Problem
  • Error Code 800: Firmware Update Failure
  • Error Code 0125: Network Connection Problem

In the following sections, we will explore the step-by-step troubleshooting techniques for each of these error codes to help you resolve the issues and get your Samsung TV up and running smoothly.


II. Troubleshooting Samsung TV Error Codes

1- Error Code 012: Network Connection Issue

When encountering Error Code 012, it typically means that your Samsung TV is unable to establish a network connection. To fix this issue, follow these steps:


Step 1: Check your network connection: Verify that your TV is connected to the internet by testing the connection with another device.


Step 2: Restart your TV and router: Power off your TV and unplug it from the power source. Simultaneously, turn off your router and disconnect it from the power source. Wait for a few minutes, then reconnect both devices and power them on.


Step 3: Reconfigure network settings: Access the TV’s network settings and ensure that the Wi-Fi network details are accurate. If necessary, re-enter the network name and password.


Step 4: Update the TV’s firmware: Outdated firmware can sometimes cause network connectivity issues. Check for firmware updates in the TV’s settings menu and install any available updates.


Step 5: Reset network settings: If the issue persists, perform a network reset on your TV. This will restore the network settings to their default configuration. Navigate to the TV’s settings menu, select “General,” then choose “Network,” and finally, select “Reset Network Settings.”



2- Error Code 0121: Network Connection Timed Out

Error Code 0121 occurs when your Samsung TV fails to establish a network connection within a specified time frame. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:


Step 1: Check network signal strength: Ensure that your TV is within range of your wireless router and that there are no physical obstructions hindering the signal. Consider moving your router closer to the TV or using a Wi-Fi range extender.


Step 2: Modify DNS settings: Access the TV’s network settings and manually configure the DNS (Domain Name System) settings. Use Google’s public DNS servers ( and or any other reliable DNS servers.


Step 3: Reset Smart Hub: Smart Hub is Samsung’s platform for accessing various apps and services. To reset Smart Hub, navigate to the TV’s settings menu, select “Smart Hub,” then choose “Reset Smart Hub.” This action will clear any temporary data or misconfigurations.


Step 4: Disable VPN or proxy settings: If you are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or proxy server, try disabling them temporarily to see if it resolves the issue.


Step 5: Contact your ISP: If the problem persists, it may be related to your internet service provider (ISP). Contact them to verify if there are any known network outages or issues in your area.



3- Error Code 014: Network Connection Issue

Error Code 014 indicates a network connection problem similar to Error Code 012. To fix this issue, you can follow similar troubleshooting steps as mentioned earlier.


Step 1: Check the network connection and restart the TV and router.


Step 2: Reconfigure network settings and update the TV’s firmware.


Step 3: Reset network settings on the TV.

By following these steps, you can often resolve network connection issues and eliminate Error Code 014.

4- Error Code 2000: Internet Connectivity Problem

Error Code 2000 suggests a problem with your TV’s internet connectivity. To troubleshoot this issue, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Check network cables: Ensure that all network cables connecting your TV and router are securely plugged in. If you are using a wired connection, make sure the Ethernet cable is not damaged.


Step 2: Restart your TV and router: Power off both devices, unplug them from the power source, wait for a few minutes, and then reconnect and power them on.


Step 3: Test the network connection: Access the TV’s network settings and run a connection test to determine if the issue persists. If the test fails, proceed to the next step.


Step 4: Modify DNS settings: Manually configure the DNS settings on your TV, as mentioned earlier, and try reconnecting to the network.


Step 5: Contact your ISP: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to your internet service provider to ensure there are no connectivity problems from their end.

5- Error Code 2200: Network Connection Problem

Error Code 2200 typically indicates a problem with the network connection. Follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

Step 1: Check network status: Verify if other devices on your network can access the internet. If not, the issue may lie with your internet service.


Step 2: Reset your TV’s network settings: Resetting the network settings on your TV, as explained earlier, may help resolve the issue.


Step 3: Restart TV and router: Power off both devices, unplug them, wait for a few minutes, and then reconnect and power them on.


Step 4: Update firmware and apps: Ensure that your TV’s firmware and all installed apps are up to date. Outdated software can sometimes cause network connection problems.


Step 5: Reset Smart Hub and reconfigure network settings: Resetting Smart Hub and reconfiguring network settings can eliminate any software misconfigurations.


Encountering error codes on your Samsung TV can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve these issues on your own. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can effectively address common Samsung TV error codes related to network connectivity. Remember to check your network connections, restart your TV and router, update firmware, and reconfigure network settings. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to Samsung’s customer support for further assistance. With a little patience and persistence, you can restore your Samsung TV to its optimal performance and continue enjoying your favorite content without interruption.


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